My story will be the least-interesting of anyone who participates in these forums because I have no known connection to the T&P. Throughout my schooling, the T&P came up numerous times in studies of the Industrial Age and especially Texas history. I minored in History in college so I guess I've always been an enthusiast of where we've been as a country.
Although I knew little about the T&P at the time, my young (at the time) son and I ventured into the T&P Station in downtown Fort Worth on a spring day in 1998. At the time, the building's main tenant was the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). A very kind security guard allowed us to come into the grand foyer of the Station...and that's when I was hooked. Long before restoration began, my son and I wandered throughout the lower levels of the building, the tunnels underneath the tracks, and all the way onto the platform itself. (At the time, someone was restoring a handful of trolley cars. Whatever happened to those?) Anyway, this dusty, deteriorating building still had massive charm and appeal. Although I wish I could've seen more of it in that state, I am proud of the results of the restoration effort. Now, if only I could afford one of those condos....
Anyway, this website is dedicated to the friends and family of the T&P, fellow history buffs, and anyone who enjoys reminiscing about what life was like along this important and often forgotten railway. I hope you will find an old acquaintance, share stories about your love affair with the T&P, or even just hang around and imagine the Eagles flying east and west across the great southwest. I look forward to reading your stories.
Best regards to all,
Ted Sorrells
My connection to the T&P
Re: My connection to the T&P
Ted My name is David Martin.the trolley cars one of the completed one is at the new T terminal amtrk in ftworth.The other one is behind city bus barn along with whats left of lennords subway equipment.My father and some others own some of this equipment.Copper thieves destroid a lot of this equipment. Im also a T&p history buff.Im a T&P conductor.Yes were now UP but still work under T&P union agreement.I started working 1973 as a brkmn for texas export rr. an ex RockIsland 59mi branch line.later hired 1978 on the MOP.When i was young 5-6yr I rode psngr train into ftw T&P depot.In the lobby was a huge hand made scale model of a T&P steam eng.My dad is a retired engr .whom also likes railroad and interurban history.I work out of texarkana.While im at work allways looking for abandoned rr.And have read many books on rr's My main intrest being T&P stuff.Im pretty knowlagable on early T&P.even though i cant spell!My present project is trying to find when did T&P lay track directly into Texarkana .Originally the tracks ran from Marshall to Moore's landing using the Memphis ElPaso Pacific right of way.At this moore's landing is where T&P recieved alot of supplies material from river boats using Sulphur and red river.From Moores landing rr ran up to Nash to connect with the TC division "TransContinental".Looking on old maps rr dont show going into texarkana until 1879 then to connect with Cairo Fulton RR.(later Iron Mountain later MOP.I have found moores landing and going back with my metal detector.The orig roadbed is under tx hwy 989 if you get a texas map and look west of texarkana is hwy989 follow 989 south lay a ruler on map from where 989 deadends at buchanan and follow straight down to rr tracks and Sulphur river.that was where moores landing was.Buchanan was a town on orig T&P line to Nash.Well hope didnt bore you.I dont share much info with people cause if they dont like rr history.i feel im boring them with my new discovery.
Re: My connection to the T&P
Hi Dave --
Thanks for stopping by! It's always great to make another connection to someone with T&P ties.
I live near the UP line that runs through Watauga and Keller and, until recently, some of the online mapping services still referred to it as the "T&P Railway."
Could you describe the kinds of things you do in your role as a conductor with the UP?
I didn't realize the Leonard's equipment was still around here. Are there any plans to get it moving again? Fort Worth has made a lot of racket lately about restoring trolley service around the cultural district. It would be great if some of the old trolleys or even the Leonard electrics were put back into service.
Thanks for stopping by! It's always great to make another connection to someone with T&P ties.
I live near the UP line that runs through Watauga and Keller and, until recently, some of the online mapping services still referred to it as the "T&P Railway."
Could you describe the kinds of things you do in your role as a conductor with the UP?
I didn't realize the Leonard's equipment was still around here. Are there any plans to get it moving again? Fort Worth has made a lot of racket lately about restoring trolley service around the cultural district. It would be great if some of the old trolleys or even the Leonard electrics were put back into service.
Re: My connection to the T&P
Hello there!
My name is Katherine Mathis, and I'm here because I have started volunteering a bit down at the T&P Museum in Marshall. I hold a history degree from UT (Hook 'em!) but am going back to nursing school. My son has red hair, a fondness for pirates, trains, and construction while wanting to dress in his suit and tie, and is the main reason we went down there in the first place. However, I have always been a history buff and I adore seeing sturdy old buildings still fulfilling an original purpose, or if not their original purpose at least being used for something in order to preserve them. (I suppose I just can't forget the fact that the Alamo was used as a shoe store for several years.)
In any event, it's now been quite a while, and we're starting a "Station Host" program where volunteers will be official and come on down to meet people riding in on the Amtrak lines, take them through the museum, talk about the steam engine and caboose, and so forth. I'm looking forward to it immensely, thanks for the site where I can start expanding my knowledge of the T&P and my new hometown.
My name is Katherine Mathis, and I'm here because I have started volunteering a bit down at the T&P Museum in Marshall. I hold a history degree from UT (Hook 'em!) but am going back to nursing school. My son has red hair, a fondness for pirates, trains, and construction while wanting to dress in his suit and tie, and is the main reason we went down there in the first place. However, I have always been a history buff and I adore seeing sturdy old buildings still fulfilling an original purpose, or if not their original purpose at least being used for something in order to preserve them. (I suppose I just can't forget the fact that the Alamo was used as a shoe store for several years.)
In any event, it's now been quite a while, and we're starting a "Station Host" program where volunteers will be official and come on down to meet people riding in on the Amtrak lines, take them through the museum, talk about the steam engine and caboose, and so forth. I'm looking forward to it immensely, thanks for the site where I can start expanding my knowledge of the T&P and my new hometown.
Re: My connection to the T&P
Hi Katherine --
Longhorn fan here! And what a great opportunity at Marshall. We just moved to Lindale so now that home is a little more convenient to Marshall, I'll have to stop by and check things out.
When time permits, it would be great to hear about some of the stories you learn about the T&P. Please pass them along when you have the time and thanks for stopping by the website!
Longhorn fan here! And what a great opportunity at Marshall. We just moved to Lindale so now that home is a little more convenient to Marshall, I'll have to stop by and check things out.
When time permits, it would be great to hear about some of the stories you learn about the T&P. Please pass them along when you have the time and thanks for stopping by the website!
Re: My connection to the T&P
I'm new to the site and can not maneuver it very good. With that said, I still need help with a T&P question or two. Does T&P have an history archives that dwells on past train wrecks? I am trying to doing some research on a wreck of Nov. 27, 1946 a few miles west of Loraine, Texas. I found one little Abilene newspaper article offering not much info. I am looking for extensive data on this wreck...maybe an old T&P internal report. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. Ed [email protected]