My sister, Freda (named for my father) was 21 when I was born! She adored my dad and everything about the railroads. She wrote this poem in 1932 and submitted it to a publisher (The Munsey Publications in New York) who was asking for stories about the railroad. It was rejected and returned saying "Overstocked with verse." But it speaks eloquently of the railroad engineers! Hope you enjoy!
Poets have sung of the tall clipper ships
That fearlessly braved the gale,
Of sailors that sing on the open sea
Where the wind is like a flail.
But this is a song for that unsung man--
The knight of the shining rail.
The poets have told of pony express
With riders that knew no fear;
They have sung the song of the river boats
That churn the waters clear.
But here is a song to that unsung man--
The railroad engineer.
The new poets sing of winged aeroplanes
In clouded skies and clear,
Of paths that are cut through the trackless sky
By men who have no peer.
But here is a song to that unsung man--
The railroad engineer.
Oh, here is a song for that unsung knight
Who wears neither sword nor mail
But who brings in his train with steady hand
And conquers the long steel trail.
Oh, here is a toast to the engineer--
The knight of the shining rail!